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About Whitgift: Pastoral Care

School years are formative years. At Whitgift School, we are as fully committed to a pupil's personal and social development as we are to his academic progress: we are also concerned with the welfare of all members of the School community.

Below you will find an outline of the pastoral structure of the School and a list of who to contact regarding pastoral matters. For more detail, download the Pastoral Handbook at the bottom of the page. This document contains Whitgift's policies regarding Involvement in school activities, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), moral and spiritual framework, Child Protection, substance use and misuse, anti-bullying, school uniform, using the internet, equal opportunities and sanctions.

The Pastoral Structure at Whitgift School

Form Tutor

Boys remain with the same Form Tutor for their first year in the School (Lower First), a new Tutor for their second year (Upper First) and change Tutors thereafter every two years. The Form Tutor is responsible for the supervision, guidance and care of the pupils in his/her tutor group, meeting them every morning at registration at 8.30 a.m. and, at times, teaching them one of their subjects during the week. Form Tutors keep records of attendance and academic progress for each boy in the group and are also aware of individual circumstances and needs. Form Tutors, along with other Staff, are ready to advise boys and their parents in options, university applications and possible careers. First Form Tutors are assisted by Lower School Prefects who attend Tutor group meetings and assemblies on a regular basis and are available to offer help and advice to younger boys.

Head of Year

There are four separate Heads of Year:

  • Mrs Carter for the First Year (Lower First and Upper First) fec@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2196
  • Mr Michael for the Third Year (Lower Third and Upper Third) sfm@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2132
  • Mr Marlow  for Fifth Year (Lower Fifth and Upper Fifth) ajm@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2113
  • Miss Lowson for the Sixth Year (Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth) jfl@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2128

Each Head of Year is supported by a number of Assistant Heads of Year.

Heads of Lower and Upper School

The Head of Lower School Mr Norris (adn@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2941) and the Head of Upper School, Mr Brown (mjb@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2702) oversee the pastoral and disciplinary aspects of school life in their respective sections, guiding Heads of Year and Form Tutors and monitoring boys' progress in both academic and co-curricular activities.

Senior staff involved in Pastoral Management

The Assistant Headmaster of Pastoral Care, Mr Cook (sdc@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2205) oversees the Pastoral system and is the designated Child Protection Officer. He can offer confidential advice to parents and guardians on suitable external counsellors where appropriate.

The Assistant Head Proctor, Mr Elvin (dee@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2908) is responsible for Staff Duties, the Prefect body, boys' discipline, good conduct and for ensuring that Whitgift boys wear their school uniform properly at all times. He is assisted by the Assistant Proctor, Mr Martin (rfm@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2949) who also oversees cover and invigilation.

The Deputy Headmaster, Mr Yeo (pjy@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2911) is responsible for overall supervision of the curriculum, options schemes, timetable and staffing.

The Second Master, Mr Ellis (pje@whitgift.co.uk, ext. 2931) takes charge of the day-to-day running of the School.

The Headmaster, Dr Barnett, has overall responsibility for all members of the School community.