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Boarding: Full, weekly or flexi-boarding?

Whitgift attracts pupils who may have to travel great distances to the School. In addition, these are often pupils who are heavily committed to co-curricular activities before and after school. Boarding will provide these boys with the chance to realise their full potential.

Full boarding

A full boarder’s school life will be enhanced by living and studying on campus. Whitgift has a rich offering of clubs and societies, sports, music, drama and outdoor pursuits; and, in addition, there will be numerous activities for boarders after school and at weekends.  Whitgift is ideally located for the many attractions London has to offer, as well as being close to the Surrey countryside.

Friends and family are welcome to visit, to take a full and active part of the boarder’s life.

Weekly boarding

Weekly boarding entails four nights’ accommodation, usually Monday to Thursday. This option relieves any arduous daily commute and gives boys more time for studying and to be involved in co-curricular activities, while still allowing for family time at the weekend. A fifth night, depending on school demands, is an available option.

Weekly boarders will have their own living space and their school possessions will be secure from one week to the next.


Flexi-boarding is available to help accommodate the busy lifestyle of the modern family, and is ideal for pupils with co-curricular activities which finish late, or start early, on any given day. In addition, it will also accommodate those pupils whose parents need to travel extensively for work.

Pupils are also encouraged to try flexi-boarding to see if full boarding might be something that suits their needs later in their school career.