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Co-Curricular: Clubs & Societies

Every pupil must balance his school week of academic studies with a selection of co-curricular activities. A balance in school life is crucial if pupils are to broaden their horizons and pursue their interests. This co-curricular section is a straightforward way to find out about the clubs and societies Whitgift has to offer. All the activities offered are available to all pupils in the prescribed age group.

If there is a club or society you would like to start up, please do put forward your suggestions to your Head of Year or Mr Osborne, Head of Co-curricular Activities. Many of our most successful clubs and societies are run by pupils with just some supervision from staff.

Please see the table below for details of this term's Clubs and Societies.


Clubs and Societies Overview

Cross Country Club Horticultural Club Psychology Extension
Art Society Investment Society Psychology Society
Badminton Club Islamic Society Remote Control Car Club
Basketball Club Japanese Club Rifle Club
Biology Critical Review Club Judo Club Robotics Club
Biology Society Junior Art Science Fiction Film Club
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Junior Christian Club Scratch Programming
Chess club Junior Classics Senior Literary Society
Climbing Club Junior Drama Club Senior Mathmatics Society
Communion Service Junior DT Club Senior Photography Club
Converse (Christian Union) Junior English Society Senior Theology Club
Cooking Club Junior History Club Spanish Debating Society
Debate Coaching and Club Junior Mathematics Society Spanish Film Society
Dougall Society (Journalism) Junior Photography STEM Green Powered Car
Duke of Edinburgh Award Junior Science Club Story Telling Society
Expedition Club Karate Club Table Tennis Club
Fives Club Law Society The Friedman Society
French Debating Society Mah Jong Third Form DT Club
Geography Form Medical Society (MedSoc) Upper Third Form STEM
Green Team Mountain Biking Club Wakeboarding Club
History & Politics Society (HiPSoc) Music Theory & Composition Whitgift Apprentice
Homework Club Polyglossia: Whitgift Linguists Whitonomics Magazine
    Yoga/Pilates Club