Admissions: School Applications
Applications for 2016 entry
Applications for day places are now invited from the parents of boys for 10+, 11+, 12+, 13+, 14+ and Sixth Form entry in 2016.
Boarding commences at 13+ and boarding applications are invited from the parents of boys entering Year 9 (13+) only. Registration for boarding at 14+ and 16+ is now closed.
Applications can be made either by downloading the relevant age-group application form(s) below and submitting the completed form(s) to the Admissions Office, or via our Online Application process (please see online section below).
Applications should be submitted by the following deadline dates:
10+ to 14+ day and boarding applicants: Entry is now closed.
Sixth Form day applications: Entry is now closed.
Scholarships for 2016 entry
If your son has exceptional talent in Art, Design Technology and Engineering, Drama, Music or Sport and you wish to apply for a Scholarship, please download the appropriate Scholarship Form here and complete and return with the main School Application Form. For information, all boys who submit the main School Application Form are automatically entered for an Academic Scholarship.
Online applications for 2016 entry
As an alternative to submitting hard copies of the application forms it is possible to apply online. If applying for a scholarship, please note that the main school application form and scholarship application form(s) should be submitted at the same time.
In order to apply online it will be necessary to have access to a scanner as you will be required to upload various documents such as copies of your son’s last three school reports, a copy of his passport (and visa if applicable), a photograph of your son and any additional relevant documentation (e.g. educational psychologist’s report, testimonials from sports coaches, music tutors etc.). Payment of the entrance fee will also need to be made online either via PayPal or via bank transfer. If paying by bank transfer it will be necessary to upload proof of payment.
If wishing to apply for a bursary, the main school application form can be completed online, but the bursary form must be downloaded from the website, completed and sent to The Whitgift Foundation, North End, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1SS. Forms can be downloaded here.
Please click here to apply online.
Applications for 2017 and 2018
Whitgift only accepts applications a year before the student is due to enter the School. However, there will be a Pre-Test for boys who are considering boarding at 13+ only in September 2017 and 2018. The Pre-Test will take place on Friday 6 May 2016 and the closing date for applications is Thursday 31 March 2016. The Pre-Test Application Form can be downloaded below.